Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis eros.
Dennis Wilson
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company


Dennis Wilson

Lorem ipsum dolor est un amet, une élite de consécration. Suspendre divers jeans en éros élémentaires tristiques. Ce cours, je vivrai à l'orage, je n'ai que des couleurs intermédiaires nulles, mais je suis en liberté de vie. Aenean faucibus nibh et juste cursus de rutrum lorem imperdit. Il n'y a pas de vitae risus tristik posuer.

Dennis Wilson was born and raised in Alberta. He received a BSc from the University of Alberta with major coursework in biology and sociology, as well as a specialization in psychology.

While living in Edmonton, Dennis worked with the CIBC, Ducks Unlimited and also started his own consulting, bookkeeping and personal income tax business.

In 1987, Dennis moved to Hamilton to attend McMaster University, and he received his MBA in Management Science and Information Systems in 1990. Dennis worked as a contract employee and consultant for the City of Hamilton, where he assisted in implementing a new property tax system.

Dennis moved to Texas in 1995, where he worked in software and database development for Nortel. While working with Nortel, Dennis received his PhD in Organization and Management from Capella University.

Dennis returned to Canada in 2007 and returned to his consulting business in 2009. During this time, Dennis wrote and published the book "Human Psychology for Business". In 2016, Dennis, with his wife, purchased and opened the Lighthouse Restaurant on the Parkway. The restaurant was sold in 2021 and Dennis and his wife took up raising chickens, and growing garlic and other vegetables on their hobby farm.

Dennis is a systems expert with strong financial acumen, a people and organizational expert, and an author. Dennis is dedicated to helping make life more livable for Canadians.

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Dennis Wilson's Top Policies

Reduce Immigration

Abolish the Carbon Tax

Reduce Taxes

Abolir tous les programmes et politiques fédéraux en matière d'ÉDI

Abolira tous les programmes et politiques d’ÉDI dans la fonction publique et dans les institutions fédérales telles que les forces armées, ainsi que ceux qui s'appliquent aux industries réglementées par le gouvernement fédéral.

No More Open Borders

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Maxime Bernier
Leader, People's Party of Canada

Happy Birthday Max!

Today — January 18th, 2023 — is PPC Leader, Maxime Bernier’s 60th birthday! Help us celebrate this special day by signing Max’s virtual birthday card below!

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