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Isabel Pereira
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's.
Author Name
VP of Company


Isabel Pereira

Lorem ipsum dolor est un amet, une élite de consécration. Suspendre divers jeans en éros élémentaires tristiques. Ce cours, je vivrai à l'orage, je n'ai que des couleurs intermédiaires nulles, mais je suis en liberté de vie. Aenean faucibus nibh et juste cursus de rutrum lorem imperdit. Il n'y a pas de vitae risus tristik posuer.

Isabel resides in Armour Township (East Parry Sound) with her husband of 41 years. They have two adult children and two grandchildren. She has been a resident, homeowner, and taxpayer in the riding since 1988.

Originally from Portugal, Isabel immigrated to Canada in 1967 and was raised in Toronto. She is a graduate of Ryerson University and has over 35 years of experience in the healthcare sector. With a Bachelor of Health Administration, she was a certified Privacy Professional and a certified Health Information Management Professional.

After retiring in 2018, Isabel planned to spend several months each year in Europe, but her plans were impacted by COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Consequently, she has become more involved in her local community and politics.

Isabel's love for her country is rooted in understanding the hardships her parents faced growing up under a dictatorship. She believes strongly in reclaiming what is being gradually eroded and in fighting to preserve the remaining freedoms for the sake of future generations.

An advocate for defending human rights and fundamental freedoms, Isabel stands for the values outlined in the Canadian Bill of Rights, and is committed to upholding the Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Nos valeurs

Isabel's Plan for Parry Sound—Muskoka

Soutien aux victimes canadiennes de l'ÉDI

Soutiendra les Canadiens qui sont victimes de discrimination, de harcèlement, de diffamation ou de préjudice de quelque manière que ce soit de la part d'organisations qui imposent des programmes et des politiques d'ÉDI.

No More Open Borders

Abolish the Carbon Tax

Fortify the Right to Self Defense

Firearm Licensing Reform

What People are Saying

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Maxime Bernier
Leader, People's Party of Canada

Happy Birthday Max!

Today — January 18th, 2023 — is PPC Leader, Maxime Bernier’s 60th birthday! Help us celebrate this special day by signing Max’s virtual birthday card below!

Leave a personal birthday note for our fearless freedom fighter!
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Help Isabel be the change we need in Parry Sound—Muskoka!

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